Skittles: Taste The Same Flavor Rainbow!!!

According to a neuropsychologist named Don Katz, even though it seems unbelievable, all Skittles are the same flavor; a generic “fruit” taste.

So why do we “think” they taste different? It’s because our brains associate their colors with certain tastes; we know yellow is supposed to mean lemon, so we “think”yellow tastes like lemon.

And there’s more. Skittles are scented too. So when you bite that yellow Skittle, your brain sees the color, smells the smell, and you believe you’re eating a lemon flavor.

So why don’t they make each one the actual flavor? Katz says, quote, “It’s cheaper to make things smell and look different than it is to make them actually taste different.”


BTW did you know Skittles has a Super Bowl commercial but only one dude will be able to see it…We can watch the dude’s reaction on Facebook Live.