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Doctors Say Sen. Bernie Sanders Fit For Presidency Despite Recent Heart Attack


Sen. Bernie Sanders is “in good health” and “more than fit enough” to be president, his doctors said in letters made public Monday. 

Cardiologist Martin LeWinter said in one of the letters released by the Sanders campaign, “at this point, I see no reason he cannot continue campaigning without limitation and, should he be elected, I am confident he has the mental and physical stamina to fully undertake the rigors of the Presidency.” Another letter came from Dr. Brian Monahan, who said Sanders has been seen by his medical office for 29 years. He wrote, “you have no history of tobacco use, exercise regularly, and seldom drink alcohol. You are in good health currently and you have been engaging vigorously in the rigors of your campaign, travel, and other scheduled activities without any limitation.”

The Vermont senator underwent heart surgery in October after suffering chest pains at a campaign stop in Nevada. His campaign confirmed Sanders had suffered a heart attack. After being discharged from the hospital, Sanders spent over a week at home in Burlington, Vermont, with his wife, Jane, and periodically inviting television cameras into his home to talk about his health scare. 

Doctor: Sanders in good health after heart attack


Editorial credit: Aaron-Schwartz /